What's in store?

{Tuesday, June 13, 2006}


Recently...My cousin's LSSed with Do you want to? By Franz Ferdinand...I'm being influnced by that song... ahhh! Di ko na kaya! Napapa-dooodooodooodooo do ya do ya wanna... ako. Check out the lyrics for yourself.

When I woke up tonight I said I'm
Going to make somebody love me
I'm going to make somebody love me
Now I know
Now I know
Now I know
That it's you
You're lucky lucky you're so lucky
Well do you
Do you
Do you want to
Want to go where I'd never let you before
Well do you
Do you
Do you want to
Want a go of what I'd never let you before
Well he's a friend and he's so proud of you
He's a friend and I knew him before you
He's a friend and we're so proud of you
He's a friend and I blew him before you
Here we are at the Transmission party
I love your friends - they're all so arty

annyeongikaseyo! at 12:44 AM

{Friday, June 09, 2006}


If Chuck Norris would have found out about this one, i'd be dead next morning.
My 15 favorite Chuck Norris Facts(no order):

1.Chuck Norris is the only person to win a tennis game versus a brick wall.
2.On his birthday, Chuck Norris randomly selects one lucky child to be thrown into the sun.
3.Chuck Norris can touch MC Hammer.
4.When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he isn't lifting himself up, he's pushing the Earth down.
5.Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.
6.A study showed the leading causes of death in the United States are:
1. Heart disease
2. Chuck Norris
3. Cancer
7.Chuck Norris can set ants on fire with a magnifying glass. At night.
8.Chuck Norris’ favourite cut of meat is the roundhouse.
9.If at first you don't succeed, you're not Chuck Norris.
10.Chuck Norris can judge a book by its cover.
11.Chuck Norris can divide by zero
12.Everybody loves Raymond. Except Chuck Norris.
13.When chuck Norris does division, there are no remainders.
14.To be or not to be? That is the question. The answer? Chuck Norris.
15.When you say "no one's perfect", Chuck Norris takes this as a personal insult.

**I hope you laughed...hehe

annyeongikaseyo! at 4:59 AM


It's me...A light bulb in my head just turned on. I'm posting a friendly quote and something related to our common prayers and why God says NO sometimes. Hehe.

"Friends are the best interpreters because even in silence, even when nothing is said and even if they don't know what happened, they don't ask you questions. They just understand!ü"


"I asked God to take away my Pride. God said NO. He said it was not for Hime to take it away, but for me to give it up. I asked God to grant me Patience. God said NO. He said patience is a by-product of tribulations. It is not granted. It is earned. I asked God to give me Happiness. God said NO. He said, He gave me so much blessings already. Happiness is up to me."

annyeongikaseyo! at 4:31 AM

{Wednesday, June 07, 2006}


I'm in the mood today. Since i got nothing to do but watch korean dvds with my lola. (talk about same interests.ü)
I decided to post some more quotes. I hope you like non-sense...

"Too often we don't realize what we have until it's gone. We wait too long until it's late to say I'm Sorry, I was wrong. Sometimes we hurt the ones we hold dearest to our hearts and allow foolish things to tear our lives apart. Too many times we let unimportant things into our minds then usually it's too late too see what made us blind. So be sure that you let people know how much they mean to you. Take the time to say the words before your time is through. Be sure to appreciate everything you've got and be thankful for the little things in life that means a lot to you."

**I think this one's very moving don't you think?. I like it.ü**

annyeongikaseyo! at 11:46 PM


It's me again! I feel like putting up more quotes... i got about 200 of them.
I especially like the first one.

"Trials are like Fire. It can destroy or strengthen you depending on your character and outlook in life! Remember: The fire that melts butter is the same fire that hardens steel. Stay strong!ü"

+ + +

"A gun can kill someone. Fire can burn someone. Wind can chill. Anger can rage until it tears you apart. But the power of a smile can melt a frozen heart."

annyeongikaseyo! at 5:01 AM

{Tuesday, June 06, 2006}


Je ireumeun porky imnida. Ihaehashutseumnikka? Ireumi mueosimnikka?
Anio? Well, ok. Enough with the Korean talk.
Lately, i've been receiving lots of quotes and i decided i wanted to post it here. So okay. You just read now...

++"One day, a girl got a note from her boyfriend.
Boyfriend's Note: Our relationship is off. Could you send my photographs back?
++The girl sent a pile of pictures of different boys with a message.
Girl's note: I can't remember what you look like. Could you please take out your photo and return the rest?"

###i can't seem to delete the text in the image of the girl...oh...i'm too tired...

annyeongikaseyo! at 11:05 PM


31 Jan;
Jeoneun haksaengimnida;




new phone;
be fluent in korean;
go to heaven (not right now);

may all my wishes come true.

previously on Nonsense

June 2006


Friendster Homepage
Fascinated with blog
Gaga over my cuz's art
My favorite when i want to laugh
Genius' Blog

people who like nonsense


You killed it? Haengbokhamnida!!!
I am so glad you did.

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    The key to a bright tomorrow
    is a flashlight with long-lasting batteries.


    They say you should fight
    fire with fire. If you do...
    Who'd win?


    "He who laughs last is the dumbest."


    Contrary to popular belief that
    Good is not enough, do
    better is not true. God is Good!


    Finding it hard to sleep either
    means you're an insomniac or
    you just lie in bed and wait
    for your dreams to come true for you.


    Dreaming doesn't cost you anything.
    It only gives you nothing but
    more dreams.
    Reach your dream today.ü


    "It takes Chuck Norris 20 minutes
    to watch 60 Minutes."-CNF website
